Sunday, October 17, 2010

living and dying in the pursuit of feeding people

my granny Stasia made this potato soup with sausage chunks that was scented with marjoram and bay leafs. she would cook a huge pot of it, big enough to feed her voluminous extended family. all the grand children, and there were many of us, knew that there was always something warm and filling on her wood fired stove; just in case we dropped by after school.  and drop by we did, so very often.

the way to babcia Stasia's home on the other side of a wooded hill - an old park that had long overgrown - was so familiar to all of us.  we knew every twist of the path, each gnarly root under our little feet.  we ran, our schoolbags filled with books and our heads full of dreams.  and as we ran down that hill, past the old locomotive, through the secret spot that would burst with wild violets each summer, and crossed the last stretch of the sidewalk that led to her street, we would always be greeted by her silhouette, waiting for us, at her open window.  babcia Stasia was not the sort of a grandmother that would gently stroke our hair and tell us lovely old tales. on the contrary, there was a toughness about her; and to a complete stranger she may have even appeared abrasive and rough. she was not a stranger to profanity, she smoked unfiltered cigarettes, and drank coffee as dark as the night.  she had a difficult life, was pulled out of the school much too early because of the War's beginning and these events had left a mark on her.  but to us, she was all love and warmth... except that hers came in the form of a steaming pot of soup with a thick piece of rye bread.  and this way, she not only filled our hungry bellies, she filled our hearts with love, and our minds with so much appreciation.

babcia Stasia lived her life in a pursuit of feeding all her children and grandchildren. the day she died, from a heart attack that took her from us too soon, she did so making a big pot of food to feed us all.

this soup is not exactly like hers, but i made it with her on my mind. when i was done, the scent really reminded me of that which so often filled her kitchen. and the flavour of marjoram and bay leafs, that flavour always reminds me of babcia Stasia.

herbed potato soup with mustard greens, "sausage," and spelt croutons 

for the soup
1 onion, diced
1 potato, diced
1 zucchini, diced
3 carrots, diced
1-2 cups mustard greens (or kale), chopped
1 can white kidney beans
1 herb bouillon cube
4 cups of water 
1t marjoram
a pinch of sage and rosemary (each)
4-5 allspice balls
1-2 bay leafs
1t miso
1t coarse sea salt
coarse black pepper
1 1/2-2 Tofurky Polish-style veggie kielbasas (sausages), sliced into rounds
3T olive oil

for the croutons
2 thick slices of spelt bread
1t mixed herbs (Provencal)
1T olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced

in a large pot, heat some olive oil, saute the onions with a pinch of sea salt.  when onions almost translucent, add the marjoram, rosemary, sage. saute another minute.  add the potatoes, carrots and zucchini, saute for another minute or 2.  while onions and veggies sauteing, boil some water in a kettle.  when boiled, add to the veggies with a bouillon cube.  add the bay leafs and allspice.  simmer at low to medium heat for about 15 minutes.  drain the beans, reserving some of the liquid.  add both to the soup, add the mustard greens and cook for another 10-15 minutes or until the veggies are soft.
heat a little olive oil in a small pan, add the sliced "sausage" rounds.  fry until both sides are a little crispy and slightly blackened.  add the "sausage" to the soup and cook for another 5 minutes at low heat.  turn off the heat, add 1T of miso and mix to incorporate. season with salt and black pepper.

in the same pan that you used for the veg sausage, heat a little olive oil.  cut the spelt bread into 1/2 inch cubes and toast in the pan with some herbs and a clove of garlic until toasted and crouton like.

serve the soup topped with croutons.


bogusia said...

Aniu you made me cry reading your writing about babcia. Keep writing and making delicious food!!

Unknown said...

Ani this is such a lovely story it touches the heart. I will try to make it one day when I have time.
Miss you.

Ania Z. said...

thank you both! i hope you enjoy the recipe as much as you enjoyed the story. xo

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