Friday, September 24, 2010

soup weather

it is a rainy vancouver afternoon; the heavy clouds heralding the end of summer and the coming of the  gray, dewy season.  but today, i don't mind it so much, because the light in my home is soft and cozy, and there is a steaming pot of soup on the stove and a couple of good friends coming over for lunch. i know that we'll share some food and a conversation, and that is enough to warm my spirit and part the clouds.

here is a nice fall soup that doesn't require many ingredients, and the ones it calls for are often staples in many kitchens, particularly vegetarian ones.  the soup is rustic and simple, but it has an earthy, deep flavour that will satisfy the gourmands as well.  you can pair it with some crusty, toasted bread and a dash of olive oil.  the soup is vegan, but you could also add a dollop of natural yogurt or sour cream if you eat dairy. 

provencal lentil, potato, porcini soup

3 medium potatoes (diced)
1 yellow zucchini squash (diced)
1 onion (diced)
1 cup french lentils (or green lentils)
1/4 bulb of fennel (optional) (diced)
5-6 dried porcini mushrooms
1T miso (optional)
1-1 1/2T provencal herbs (or mixed thyme, rosemary, lavender)
1t coarse salt
black pepper
2T olive oil
green parsley 

heat the olive oil, saute the onions with the salt until translucent
add the provencal herbs, the potatoes, the zucchini squash and the fennel - saute for about 3-5mins
add the lentils, mix and pour in 4 cups of water or veggie broth (optional); or enough to cover all the veggies with about an inch of water covering them.  add the porcini mushrooms.
bring to boil, turn down the heat and simmer for 30mins or until the potatoes and lentils are soft.  add the miso (miso is my secret ingredient in this soup - its optional, but i love the dimension of flavour that it adds - particularly when you use mushrooms and potatoes in a recipe.  i mix the miso with a little soup stock in a separate bowl and then add it into the rest of the soup).
take of the heat, and let sit for 10 mins.  taste and add more salt, black pepper to taste. 
garnish with fresh, chopped parsley.


Lorinda.C.F said...

this is perfect west coast fall weather soup!

will have to whip us up some of that this weekend!

Ania Z. said...

i'm still in vancouver this weekend, but i'd love to "whip it up" for you some time soon. thank you!

Lorinda.C.F said...

finally got off my behind and made one of your delicious looking recipes (rather than secretly hoping you'd come over and make it for me!).

i couldn't find the porcini's so used fresh shitake's instead.

thanks for the inspiration on this dreary day!

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